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Valuation Tools

Get started with our free business and IP valuation calculators.

1. Cost Based Approach
The cost approach measures the values of the intangible assets by assessing the expenditures necessary to replace the assets. The cost approach is based on the economic concept of substitution, that is, people will pay no more for an asset than it would cost to develop or obtain another asset with similar functionality. Cost items that should be included when valuing the assets include the legal costs, registrations costs, personnel costs, development costs, production costs and marketing and advertising costs.

2. Market Based Approach
Intangible assets are valued by comparing recent sales or similar transactions with similar assets involved in similar markets. This method is applicable when similar markets and similar transactions exist; however, more than often, comparable assets can’t be found due to the uniqueness of most intangibles which limits the application of this method.

3. Income Based Approach
The income approach measures the value of an intangible asset based on the future income streams that are expected to be generated by the asset.

Some income approach methods:

1. Relief from royalty method
2. Multi Period Excess Earnings method
3. Incremental cash flow method

Business Valuation Tool

This tool enables you to do a rudimentary business valuation. All major items are incorporated in this setup. Default values are shown in ‘grey’.

IP Valuation Tool

This tool enables you to do a rudimentary IP valuation (patents, trademarks)
using the relief from royalty method. Default values are shown in ‘grey’.

Super IP-Calculator

This tool allows to assess internationally used multiples in order to get a first
indication of a company’s value in a particular industry and country.